Friday, September 23, 2011

Keely Walker (close up)- I really like your pictures. I think it is really cool to see how the scenes have changed.. dramatically. One thing I would change for improvment would be maybe having the original picture taken in the room it is of. I think it would be cool to make that connection as a viewer.

Megan Jones (close up)- I like the lighting and the differnt textures. I really think that the way you photographed different angles of the rings was neat. In some of the pictures the lighting whites out the fabric a bit. I don't know if this is an effect you were going for or not, but if not... i might of tried to mess around with the brightness and contrast settings to see if the pictures look better or not. Good Job!

Nina Antonik (Traveling Object)- I like the glass humming bird. It reminds me of a synthetic natural environment. Having it do things that a real humming bird would do is a great idea. One thing that i think would make it a bit better, in my oppinion, would maybe have your object be in more recognizable places.

Ben Hansberger (Traveling Object)- I like your idea using the skull. I especially like the one picture where there is a stick going thru the mouth of the skull. One thing I might change is all of the effects. I think some of the effects make it harder to identify the object, or where it has traveled.


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