Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ben Hansbergers comments

Mr. Evens: liked how you wnet all macro on you bike and tools, the images were sharp, with the background out of focus as it should be. an improvement would have been to better control the lighting to achieve less of a glare, which i thought took away from the macro effect.
Maddie: im diging the vintage effect! it gave the opicture a deeper feel. i, however would say that you could have gone a little farther with this effect, and prehaps made it less yellow (which might just be the effect, i dont know)
Pip: I liked the effects you put on your progression story, and how the pictures progressively got darker as the story went on. A few improvements would have been to maybe use more visible grid lines to better separate the images, also, maybe less of the dark and distorted effect would be great, I could hardly see the subject in some of the images, but that may be the point.
Megan johns: I really liked your macro effect! And how you shot it on a cloth, to make it look like a jewelry store. An improvement that could be made would be to take away some of the glare of the shiny cloth.

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