Thursday, September 29, 2011

Megan's Comments

Maddy: I LOVE this idea. This is one if my favorite travelling objects I’ve seen. It has a deeper meaning because it doesn’t show where an object has been – it shows were you’ve been. The shots are natural and really clear. There’s a couple of shots where it’s just your feet and none of your legs, and I think if they included your legs they’d flow better with the rest of the grid. In the bottom left corner, the focal point is more-so on the pants, and I think if it was cropped a little bit it would flow a little bit better too. But overall I really liked this, really good job!

Keely: I thought the idea for your power of place was really interesting. The last two are by far my favorites, I think the short depth of field is beautiful. The first two don’t look as “organized” if that makes sense. The colors don’t flow as nicely as the second two. I’d play around with the hue/saturation and the brightness/contrast and see how it looks! Overall good job though, I really like this idea and I’ve never seen someone do this before!

Paul: I really like the 1st, 5th, 10th, and 11th. They have the most feeling and the best composition, in my opinion. I think those are the ones that give off the feeling of emptiness the best. The grainy effect is kind of cool, but I would try toning it down and see how it looks. For the pictures that have selected color, I’d make them all black and white because I feel like that’d flow a lot better with your feeling of emptiness you were going for. Overall great job!!

Sean: Your photos are a little masculine for my taste hahaha. That’s really my only critique – the black and white is really classy. The second is still my favorite, I love the short depth of field in that picture as well as in some of the others. It makes them look a lot more professional . You’re a great person, stop poking me with the keys. Kbye great job.

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