Monday, September 26, 2011


Keely- I really really love this idea. I like your idea of “before and after” and how you gave each one an older, more vintage look. I also like how you held the older picture in the same place it was taken. When I look at them it really makes me think back to old memories from my childhood! So, awesome job! The only thing that sticks out to me that could possibly be changed is the glare on some of the older photographs but I know that’s a hard thing to edit out! But overall I really love this idea and you did a great job!

JLo- I really love this! And after looking through your pictures this school looks awesome! I love how you chose to shoot a place that you can tell you really love, and I really like the way you combined the pictures! I also really like how the map is in the background, but I also like how you kept more emphasis on the actual pictures. I love the look of all the old buildings together and think you combined them really well! One thing that could possibly be changed is to the far right two of the pictures could have been combined a bit differently, but I really love this idea and the final product!

Pip- I like the idea and a lot of your shots! But I really can’t tell whats going on from like the swing one and on because it is so dark! I’m wondering if they are getting darker the more depressed she gets? Or maybe I have it all wrong! But I really really like the idea and raising awareness of depression and stuff! The only thing is the darkness, good job!

Nina- I really like the object you used! I like how you can see through the bird, which gives the pictures a little more depth! I also really like how you put the bird in the flowers, and how its around natural things.  One thing that I may of changed is the variation in the picture sizes! But overall I really really like this!

1 comment:

  1. Maddy, you are correct, they did get darker as they went on...
