Friday, March 9, 2012

Abi's extreme close up project

For my extreme close ups I used these little collectable glass cups that my mom has lined up on our window sill. They are about 3 or 4 inches tall so they are very little so I wanted to make the details in them be the EMPHASIS of my pictures. I CROPPED the first three so I could make the POINT OF FOCUS the details of the cup. Then I adjusted the CURVES and messed with the BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST to make the picture more vibrant and pop more. I really enjoyed this project :)


  1. I love the detail and all the colors in your photos.

  2. These three colors work well together! The last one is one of my favorites, but I think the glare on the red cup distracts from your focus. Maybe burn the white glare marks a little! These turned out really nice. :)

  3. I really like the COLORS and SHAPES in these pictures :)

  4. caskey! love the third one! not only does it apply to the rule of thirds but there's something about the green that I love. it seems to have a bunch of different **HUES** in it.

  5. the EMPHASIS on the color is really good against the white background

  6. I really like how VIVID the colors are without being too bright and obnoxious. Nice job :)
