Thursday, March 15, 2012

Madeleine Roskuszka- Light up People (in-place of immposibilities...ik, SUPER late but it was giving me trouble!)

I shot these pictures in all different places. Some in Chicago, Wheaton and in the studio. Inorder to create a good compisition I had to crop and adjust the image size to make these fit together and look natural. I also deasturated these pictures and I had to increase the contrast and brightness because I shot these photos at night. Lastly I combined the layers and used a lighting/glow effect in photoshop.

I am posting two images, I will post another project in place of this for Extra- Credit but I currently have no more pictures to use for this!


  1. whoah who is that stud that modeled for you????
    ...anyways I like these! I like how you made it look glowing and ghost-like

  2. I like the CONTRAST of the black and white of the person. good job!

  3. rosie-you are funny. you are missing 2 prints :( thank you for posting these though. i like the concept maddy, don't completely abandon it (what about one in front of a cemetary to go with the ghost like theme)?

  4. your comments have been credited to 3-22
