Thursday, March 15, 2012

Keely Walker - Close Up - Would love comments on possible changes!

Hey everyone! So this is my close up- I chose to do close ups of human features. For my pictures I used a grid to organize them. When taking my actual pictures I used one of Ms. G's fine cameras and attached her macro lens attachment. When taking the pictures I tried to take the pictures from aestethically pleasing angles. When editing my photos I used the crop tool to get the pictures into the place they needed to be at the right size. In most of my photographs I also boosted the brightness and contrast levels as well. There really wasn't that much editing to do with these. I would love comments on if I should make any changes on placement or adujusting anything. Okay, thank you for viewing! - keely


  1. I notice that the center column is all hands. I don't know if you did that on purpose or not, but I think maybe if you want to switch anything it would be that :)

  2. I love this idea. I like that it is portrays beauty in a way that most people don't look at it. your taking parts of beauty rather than a whole so people will look at it in a different way.

  3. This is a really cool close-up idea. When I first looked at it, my eye was drawn to the second picture in the first column (the eye). The picture right under it (the lips) is also really strong, so I would try separating those.

    I can see why you put that hand picture in the center, I feel like it's color is different and its a lot brighter. It has beautiful lighting but just because it's in a grid, I'd maybe tone it down so if you decide to move it somewhere, it won't draw as much immediate attention and might balance the grid a little more.

    I'd put the eye (in the first column) or the lips in the center because I think those are the most visually pleasing pictures. Then maybe move stuff around from there. Good luck, I love this idea!

    1. wow megan-you go girl with yo comments! nice job-very thoughtful :o)

  4. I forgot to use a photo term again! lol Well I love the COMPOSITION of all these photos they make the whole thing very interesting.

  5. I really like this idea for close ups. I feel like they all go together really well and the grid was a great idea. I like that some have more of a BRIGHTNESS and others have SHADOWS in them. Really cool!

  6. I REALLY love this! I like the COMPOSITION also, I agree that maybe the photo in the center (the hand) could be toned down a little bit to go with the others but otherwise I really like it! Awesome Job!

  7. The COMPOSITION of the photos together is great! Each one is placed well, like how the eyes are on opposite sides but both looking in. Great job

  8. i like how CLEAR and BRIGHT these photos look

  9. wonderful comments everyone! you have been credited under 3-22.

    keely-awesome twist on the close up project, a deconstructed portrait, i like.

    megan had some great points. try squinting and see which pictures stand out more. that will help you even balance the grid.

    try not to cut part of the body out. the corner of the eye is cropped too much.

    nose needs neg space-it is touching the grid, since the eyebrow, hair, lips, have more neg space.

    tryo having consistent color/contrast or try black and white?

    great idea & experimentation Keely! you rock!
