Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ian's Power of Place

redone to look less yellow

For my power of place shoot I took pics of places and objects that means a lot from my past. All of these pictures I use a magnifying galss to show the certain thing I think has significance. But the reason for the slight blurr in the glass is to show that any time you look into your past things can never be the same as it was, what you remember will become fuzzy in our memory. This thought is hard for me to put into words but I hope you can understand...

The first pic happens to be were I took my first steps. The second pic are angle figurings we recived from my father before he passed. The third is the park by my house that many great memories occured at. The forth is the tree at the park were memories were carved into it and we spent a majority of our time as children. And the fifth pic is taken at the memorial park with my old favoite stuffed animal, but he now just sits in my room collecting dust thats why he's the blurryest of all

I used ctrl+J to duplicate the layers so I didnt ruin it forever. Then I added a new layer and used the lasso tool to circle around the pic. I used color selection of black, then filter-blur-guaian blur to create the vinyet around the picture. Some pics the rule of thirds was ignored to help the composition, but others it was used as approprate.


  1. I am pleasantly surprised by how these turned out. I like the last one the most though.

  2. The last one if my favorite one tooo! Good job Ian!

  3. the last one is my favorite because it puts **EMPHASIS** on the tree.

  4. I really like this Ian, I like the VIVID background and how it CONTRASTS with the magnified parts

  5. These are really cool! I think I saw you shooting them when I was dropping Tiff off haha! Anyway, I really like how sometimes the magnifying glass sometimes makes it in ***focus*** and sometimes outof focus but it is all ways where ur eye goes to.

  6. I really liked how they turned out. I liked how you used a magnifying glass to show emphasis. I also like how you put a vignette on your pictures too! they turned out great!

  7. I think this idea is really cool and it turned out wwell. I like the VIGNETTE because it goes well with the nostalgic mood of these pictures. Great job :)

  8. I really like this idea! I love how the background is in focus and the things in the magnifying glass are emphasized

  9. The magnifying glass is a super cool idea! It helps give a direct POINT OF EMPHASIS and it think its really cool looking! Good job!

  10. This is awesome! I really like how the magnifying glass DISTORTS the image almost as though you were shooting with a macro LENS! I also really like how you don't just see the image in the magnifying glass but you also see what the image really looks like behind it! Awesome Job!
