Monday, March 5, 2012

Choice Project (bokeh next)

For my choice project I shot lifestyle and reflected light. I used different types of value to show shadows and light coming from different places. I bumped up the contrast in most of these photos, so the blacks would stand out more. I want people to focus on the background of my photos so they see the reflection next.


  1. These are well composed pictures, but the theme is not as concise. The last 3 go well together since they emphasize the view below. Although he silhouette in the 1st is nice, it does not aesthetically go with the images below it.

  2. I agree, these are all really nice but I feel like the bottom three go together more. My favorites are the second and last ones, I love the definition in the second one and I love the angle in the last one, and its all around an interesting photo. Nice job. :)
