Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nina Antonik - Late Choice

Someone had done a close-ups in nature shoot and I thought that would be interesting. I liked how for this project, there were so many different textures that could be found. These pictures didn't need much editing because they all have a pretty simple subject. Things I did do to the pictures was I cropped a couple to better fit the rule of thirds while on others, it gave the picture a certain balance. In most of them, I messed around with the hue and saturation because the colors of the subject were too strong or not strong enough. I also burned in some of the pictures.


  1. Nice, simple compositions nina!

  2. I love the textures in the woodchips and bark. The short depth of field in the stem and leaf picture really directs my eyes to the subject.

  3. I am a huge fan of texture so I love your pictures! My favorite one is the third one. It follows the rule of thirds perfectly and the colors look great.
