Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HELP!- Madeleine Roskuszka

I've been working on this project for a long time and I can't get these images to turn out right! they are supposed to look as though they are lit up! - If you have any suggestions, I would love the help!


  1. Maybe put a blur around the things you want lit up??? Like almost a "glow" effect. It already is starting to look like it's lit up, so maybe a little bit of a blur might help.

  2. did you try looking up a glow effect on the web, also try different filters, i think there is a glow effect in photoshop.

  3. the background too or just that girl? if it's just the girl, you could add contrast and lighten her? if you already tried those, did you look through the filters? you can give it a glow.

  4. ^Oh just kidding I didn't know that existed :)

  5. Also mabye feather the edges of the things you want lit up, and mabye decrease the opacity a bit.
    btw this is ben

  6. maybe you should take off the blue coloring unless it is needed you should lower the opacity of the color.
