Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nina Antonik - Late Impossibilities

For this project, for the picture of my dad and the picture of my aunt, I drew inspiration from Mackenzie's monster pictures. For the picture of my cousin by the mirror, I used the patch tool and spot healing brush to remove her reflection from the mirror. I used these tools in most of the pictures and in all of them I had to fool around with saturation so that the differences between the layers wouldn't be so obvious. Each picture has certain places where I burned and dodged the photo.


  1. this is really cool. I like the creepyness of each pic

  2. this is really creepy. I like the Contrast on the photos. But, i dont understand how the second photo is impossible! that's my only critque.

  3. I like how creepy this is, and it also has a good use of texture and lines

  4. the description says it's impossible because she has no relfection.
