Tuesday, March 6, 2012

projection project.. from pauly g

This is my projection project. I used commic book strips and graffiti writing and projected there images on my face and body. I like the way shadows casted on my face and the shadows that my body casted on the background. I tried to use different colors and messed withe brightness and contrast of the photos. I hope you guys enjoy them.


  1. I keep seeing projection projects that just aren't really cleanly done and it aches my heart. I LOVE yours. I like how you chose interesting color projections and you can't see the projector and background.

  2. These are really cool! I love the bright colors you used and I think these are extremely creative! I also like the shadows on your face as well.

  3. These are really cool. very nice job!

  4. I love these. I really like the projections you decided to use and I love the color. In all of them, the projection perfectly frames your face or hands. Well done sir. :)

  5. These turned out really cool!! I love all the colors

  6. I really enjoy all the backgrounds you chose! I like that some were in BLACK AND WHITE but you also had a lot in COLOR too but you had enough of each for them to go together
