Friday, March 23, 2012

Lomo Demo Allie Urban Studio 1



I think this makes my picture look cool and I thought the tutorial was really easy to follow. To make a picture look lomo you need to select a vingette, and then create a fake cross processing effect. I had never toggeled with the channels before or curves so I learned a lot from this tutorial. The only problem I had was that my picture was really white in the top left so the vingette did not go all the way around. I tried after to do a lenz correction, distort, vingette but it didnt look the same sooo I just put it back to this. Next time I would do it to a different picture with objects all around the picture.


  1. omg allie this is gorgeous omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
    happy bday

  2. I like the COLORS and details more in the original. The sky is also a bit too white in my opinion.
