Monday, January 23, 2012

1-23 Edline Grading

I just uploaded edline with all the posts before this. Some very cute childhood pictures! A lot of you did not share a link on your 1st BlogPost :( Some of you shared a link that had some inappropriate content :/

Many of you had some great ideas for your projects. I think Kara & Allie U both want to comment on technology, but KARA posted first.  Allie: rethink & modify your idea.

Also, I think you should start commenting on each others work or giving ideas/suggestions/sharing links.  I am going to do a comment grade.  It helps build the photo family moral.  I will not set a format, but when I go and check for project submissions/posts, I will see who has been commenting. You should have a presence online. Maybe try commenting a few times a week. Just a thought-some of you are really good at it.

Every time I update edline, I will also post. This way it will be clear what was graded in between.
New Year's Resolution: Get Organized :o)

I am looking forward to this semester!

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