Monday, January 23, 2012

Caitlyn Van Peenen Studio 1 3-2-1 social commentary

Social Commentary Idea :

things I have learned -

Social and political thinking was modeled by events 1848

Some of the earliest means of Photography was in order to document social ills

using social commentary though photography is a very strong way to make an important point with out having to say anything.

2 Inspirations -
My first insperations are my sisters because they are not even out of middle school and elementry school and they worry daily about how they look. their weight. and the clothes they wear.

My second inspiration comes from the media. I hate seeing magazeines that make fun of people (celebrities) for being a little over weight and not stick thin, not wearing make up, or for dressing in baggy clothes.

1 Idea that is reasearched and shot-
Child abuse

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