Monday, January 23, 2012

321 Claire Trumpy

3 things you learned

1. I learned that photographers used to take pictures of the less fortunate so the upper class knew about their life.

2. In the 1800s many photographer and writers captured the living conditions of middle class workers.

3. In the 1800s Stephen Crane dressed as a poor man and spent a night in a slum documenting what he found.

2 things you were inspired by
1. I was inspired by many of the photographers in the 1800s, I liked how they were willing to take pictures of some of the poor people to show what life is really like.

2. I was also inspired by many of the sepia and black and white pictures. I like how the photographer made those pictures look more dated.

1 idea you will pursue
1. I would like to edit more of pictures in black and white, as well as sepia. I just love how the contrast looks and it looks so simple.

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