Monday, January 30, 2012

Madeleine Roskuszka: Studio 2- 1st post...

3 reasons why I took this class?
     1. To improve my photo taking skills
     2. To learn more how to display my thoughts through my work
     3. Because I love making sketchbook and non traditional photography displays!

How I will do better in this class than my last?
     -I hope to improve and do better in this class by first learning better time management ;). I also want to begin shooting more and more manually. I will also try and learn to portray my ideas better and better through my photographs.

Film in Photo one?
     - Film in photo one is very very important, because without it it is hard for anyone to realize what the true art of photography is. It is also very important because you learn so much more about all of the manual settings. And you also appreciate digital photography much much more

Lastly this is a picture of me and my little brothers a while ago sailing with my grandpa :) Lol

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