Thursday, January 19, 2012

Studio3 Abi Caskey 1st Post

I love this class so much and I get so much out of it that I knew I wanted to take it again. Even though it can be stressful sometimes and can be lots of work, I love it!

There are LOTS of reasons I take photography; here are 3. Reason #1 is that this class is one of my creative outlets and I truely love this class. Reason#2 is that I'm excited to see what new things I will learn this semester; I always learn so much. Reason#3 is that photography is one of my passions and I want to continue to be involved in the progam as long as possible!

I will do better in this class because I will turn ALL assignments and proof sheets in ON TIME! I am determined to not procrastinate this semester and work really hard to get it all in on time!

Counselors/parents/newbies want to know why we are still using film in photo 1?
I loved taking photo 1 because of the dark room. Not only do you learn SO much about how a camera works with the manual cameras, but you also learn how difficult it is to use the original techniques used before digital and computers. I also love using the dark room because it seems SO much more like creating art when you are able to create tangible things, as opposed to on a computer screen and sending it to a printer. The fact that I was the one controling not only the picture I took but how it looked in the end when I made prints right from the film. Using film teaches you SO much that they would loose if they started right off with the digital. 

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