Friday, January 20, 2012

Ben Hansbreger studio 2

Hi my name is Ben, I’m 17 and it’s been about 8 hours since I took my last picture. I travel a lot, this picture was taken in Italy, and I love flannel (if you haven’t noticed) and coffee, I have a small problem with that stuff.  I’m pretty nice so feel free to ask me questions for photo.

I took photo because: Its always good to have something your good at that can be done as a job, It’s a welcome break from the doldrums of school, and it’s a great way to express yourself.

I will do better this semester because I am learning, I have made much progress with shooting and Photoshop, and I feel I have discovered my style and techniques that work for me. is the company i work for

In photo 1, we use film, and we like it. Film is necessary to understand the whole concept of capturing a photo, and understanding a camera. only being able to use digital would be like drawing only on one type of paper, painting on only one size and type of canvas. At WNHS we are fortunate to have a darkroom and the means to develop and print film

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