Thursday, January 19, 2012

Photo studio 2 - Nina Antonik - First assignment

Brief introduction: I'm 16, I went to Monroe Middle school and my favorite subject is math. Outside of school, I love playing video games. Like every girl, I value hanging with my friends. I occasionally participate in Art Club, especially if I have a ride. I live in Wheaton with my 4 siblings and my parents. I have a lizard and 2 dogs, both of which I teach to do tricks.

Three reasons I took this class: One reason I took this class is because photography can be expressed in many more ways than you think. Your subject can be anything and we've all heard the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words.' Antoher reason is because photographs bring attention to things that people might overlook whether it's the beauty of a scene or bringing attention to an issue. The third reason I took this class is because there's so many different ways to take the same picture that can change someone's outlook. It shows me that I don't always have to view a situation the same way.

I will do better in this photo class than in the last because I'm still learning. There's an infinite number of things to learn in the field of photography. Not only am I completing new projects that are much different from my last class but there's also techniques to use in photoshop that I haven't even heard of yet. With each year comes new skills that each project helps me work at.

Picture of myself:

Links of my favorite photographers:

When I first heard that photo 1 was all film I was frustrated because I didn't understand why. I thought it would prove to be pointless. I was VERY wrong. Looking back now, I'm so glad that photo 1 is all film. Like every beginner, one must start at the basics. Learning to use film, you learn how specifically a picture is taken. Having the tangible photograph on a film strip is more empowering than you would think. You learn more what makes the actual photograph when you only have a certain number of images you can capture per film roll. It gives each photo more value so it's not really so much just a "guess and check" method. Your skills are sharpened. You also learn to alter the photograph itself by using filters or burning and dodging so you're not 100% set in stone.

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