Thursday, January 19, 2012

Studio 3 Paul Giacalone's 1st post

Hi my name is Paul Giacalone. Im a Studio 3 I took this class because I love Photography, Its a type of art that I think that I succeed in well. This class is also a way to relieve stress and just have fun.
I plan on doing better in this class by getting all assignments in on time and by not slacking like I usually do. You can also follow me on :D so you should do that.

I think that we should still have Photo 1 because working with film helps you understand the basics of photography. Basically how a camera works and how a picture is made. After I took photo 1 I understood why some pictures were blurry or too dark or light, and I new how to fix those problems because i had taken the class on film. So photo 1 helps you understand photography way more. 

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