Thursday, January 19, 2012

Studio1 Kayla Bass 1st Post

3 Reasons Why I Took This Class:

1. I want to improve the composition of everyday pictures I take.

2. I'd like to learn new techniques that I could teach my dad.

3. I enjoy editing photos using photoshop.

How I Will Do Better in this Photo Class

1. I'll try to focus and listen more.

2. I will look up interesting tutorials online to use.

3. I'll make sure everything is turned in on time.

Link: This is from last semester- only link I could think of.

Counselors/parents/newbies want to know why we are still using film in photo 1?

Using film is an awesome experience because one truly understands how aperature and shutter speed works when you control it by yourself, without the option of Auto everything. Also, I feel like it's important for a new photography student to have the experience in the dark room and actually developing your own photo.

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