Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ian Non-Traditional Idea

My non-traditional idea is to make a robot out of any random items i find.

This is supporting my consept that there is way to much polution on this earth. There is so much garbage being waisted that i will be able to make a robot about the size of me.

For this, i will need any garbage i find that will help contribute to my robot. Also i will use a lot of hot glue to put it together.

If people could bring in empty milk cartons that would be very appreciated, thanks


  1. just milk cartons? any trash i think-structural that is.

    such as:
    cereal boxes, egg cartons, empty detergent bottles, styrofoam, empty toilet/paper towel rolls...can anyone add to this list?

  2. WHY a robot form? How does that form support pollution IAN?

  3. Yes I was planning on using all of those in the making of it. So if people could bring those too that'd be great.

    And haha why not a robot form..? I basically picked this b/c of the example on this page.But I am basically open to any suggestions if you had any. But what I was thinking was a Garbage Robot is the opposite of a real technology robot, showing that we should be working towards new technology for new ways to dispose of this garbage or use it productively not just waist.
