Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Xander Martin's social commentary. better late, than never! soo...

For this social commentary project, I really wanted to target the airline industry. I was hoping to express the fact that they are sucking in money, and not putting much besides a flight from point A to point B... to show in a way that you aren't getting your money's worth. I was hoping my images would portray in some way that the money is being "sucked" in and all that is coming out is no good (smoke). Also the last image was supposed to show the plane flying thru shredded money, kind of like those cartoons of the rich guy diving in to his pool of gold coins. On a artistic level, I spent a lot of time using the croping tool and the lasso tool. I also messed around with the brightnes and contrast levels to make sure the parts of the photograph all looked evenly lighted. For the smoke I basically used the paint tool with a lower opacity, obviously the color I used was black and then for the glowing fire look I used a mix of orange and red.

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