Thursday, January 19, 2012

Studio2 Mackenzie Mason 1st Post

I don't really know what to write for my introduction... Uh... Hi? I'm Mackenzie Mason and I'm in PhotoStudio2!!
I took this classs because:
1. I love photography
2. I think this class is fun and enjoyable
3.I want to learn even more about photography and editing photos
I will do better this semester by managing my time better and remembering due dates a bit more (although I never turned anything in late).
(My favorite photographer)
So when I first joined photo it was extremely difficult! I had never realized that photography was more than clicking a button. To be honest I was a tad disappointed that we had to use real film for photo 1 when, I first joined ,as well and I was overwhelmed with them immense amount of information you learn in the first few weeks. But looking back I had so much fun and I loved the unique experience I had working with film in the dark room. In fact, I miss it and want to do more projects with film! Photo1 should definitely stick with film and not change to all digital. It would lose all the charm and uniqueness if it did.

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