Thursday, January 19, 2012

Studio 1 Caitlyn Van Peenen 1st Post

My name is Caitlyn. I'm a Junior :)

three reasons I took this class are

1) I love taking pictures

2) I want to get better with Photoshop

3) I like being creative

How i will do better than last semester is i will make sure everything is turned in on time with a summary. and i won't be absent as much so i can have more class time to work.

I think that we still have photo 1 because it is important to understand the basics of a camera and basic skills used in photography. you have to have a sturdy foundation first before you move onto the more advanced stuff. I also think the Photo 1 is a great class to have still because it shows what photography was like using film and what it has come to now that we have digital cameras.

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