Friday, February 10, 2012

Allie Urban Social Commentary Studio 1

For my social commentary I chose a theme of lack of communication. I believe every day communication is being blocked by using the new technology of texting. When someone uses
acronyms like LOL (Laugh Out Loud) they are not infact laughing. People say G2G (Got to Go) when in reality everyone keeps their phones on them when they leave and don't actually leave. One of the most rediculous acronyms used during text is ROFL (Rolling on the floor laughing). I doubt ANYONE is actually doing that when they take the time to text that they are. Teenagers have fallen into bad habits of slang and texting acronyms that are hurting communication today. For my pictures I shot one of the subject texting. One of the actual phone with the text, and then what she should actually be doing when she uses that acronym. In the picture of the phone I changed my perspective to make it more interesting. I also had to change the color balance of the inside lighting to make them less red and look more like the outside lighting pictures. Then changed the brightness and contrast to liven up the pictures. When shooting I used a long depth of field becasue I wanted everything to be in focus.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool twist on the technology theme;) I like the layout for the triptychs.
