Friday, February 10, 2012

Marys Social Commentary

So for my social commentary, I decided to shoot for pollution.  I think this issue is something that is often overlooked, especially by people our age.  For the first photo, I thought it was kind of ironic that there was a recycling bin in front of a HUGE power plant.  They encourage recycling but seem to pass over the fact that transmission lines require acres of land to be destroyed, as well as habitats for animals, and not to mention they are eye sores!  I don't know about you, but I hate seeing a pretty setting that is ruined by electrical wires.  I also liked the second picture because it is in front of a factory and you can see the smoke coming out.  The picture with the barbed wire interested me because I thought it represented the harshness and potential danger that this issue poses.  While shooting this project, I kept in mind a dreary composition.  I wanted the photos to look more depressing tone.  I edited them also adjusting the hue and saturation, and adding a filter.  I also kept in mind the rule of thirds while editing.  


  1. These are good Mary. Some of them are very direct in realtion to poluution whereas the others, not as much. Good angles and gray tones.

  2. I really like the way you turned down the saturationa and hues to make the pictures looked washed out and well... more "pollution-y". good job!
