Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jackie Adamle Studio One Social Commentary

My theme for social commentary was body image.
To edit my photos I adjusted the brightness and contrast.
I also unsaturated the photos. All of my photos were shot to follow the rule of thirds.
When shooting my project I wanted everyone to see things from a different perspective.


  1. Awesome job Jackie! Just proof read it and check for grammar. 2nd pic Measure(D). see me for details... :D

  2. yeah i saw that im going to fix it tomorrow

  3. oooo I love this! I like how it's black and white, it makes it look much more simple.

  4. I really liked how this turned out jackie! Especially the last one. It looks like an advertistment almost! Nice job

  5. These turned out awesome. The message is really good and it looks very professional. Love it.

  6. I LOVE this. Looks like it could be on pinterest ;)
