Monday, February 13, 2012

Megan Jones Studio 4 Shaped Bokeh

My project was shaped bokeh, which I made a lens cover for in order to shoot. I made two different shapes but I really wanted to focus on heart-shaped bokeh. I want to experiment more with this and maybe borrow your macro lens so I can see how my lens cover works on that, because the hearts didn't work with my lens. When I shot, it turned out as normal bokeh - but I wanted to incorporate the hearts into it somehow. So I played around with different filters since they aren't something I use very often. This is a regular bokeh pictures, shaped like hearts, with adjusted color and fresco filters. I tried to go for a messy and somewhat abstract feel to this. The theme I developed while going thru the trials of shooting this is "looking at love thru a keyhole". Which, to me, means that love is a light and is everywhere you look. At times love isn't obvious, you need to focus your sight on it to find it - but it is everywhere. I ended up deviating a lot from my original project and I plan on actually trying it out again, but this is what I developed to turn in.


  1. I really like this Megan! I've never heard or seen shaped bokeh. I love the colors that ended up being formed.

  2. This is so cool! I love the colors. nice job :)

  3. Megan this turned out great! I love it!
