Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kayla Bass Social Commentary Studio 1

My theme was: Materialism and how it makes us oblivious to the rest off the world. I chose this because when I see a homeless person around downtown wheaton, I think about how we care so much about the things we have, the clothes we wear, even the shoes that we wear, when there are people IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD that don't even have a warm place to sleep at night when its freezing outside. Did you know people that make at least $30,000/year are in the top 1% of the world? In our society that seems like a low salary! It's rediculous! Alright, anyway- I used a short depth of field for the car picture to put ephasis on the front car opposed to the cars in the backgroud. The grave and mall photos were taken with long depth of field so I could capture the entire image in focus and create better composition. I masked the car photo to put ephasis on the car and the flags- desaturating the rest of it. I had to increase the contrast in the cemetary photo because it was too grey before.


  1. I really like the message of your project and your photos portrayed it very well. It makes people think more about how they live. Nice job :)

  2. These are very cool Kayla. I like the sequence of the photographs & the last picture is very powerful. Halo effect on second pic due to selection :/ Let's make the fonts consistent please...

  3. Please cite the sources for where you got the stats for labels in Art Show.
