Monday, February 13, 2012

Spatial 3 pics & summary Kayla Bass Studio 1

be-tee-dubs: this is late because I was gone for forever. (absent)

My spatial is a photo of buildings in downtown Wheaton. I wanted to portray the contrast of an older building with the new, modern looking one. I shot with a long depth of field because I wanted the detail in both of the buildings to be seen. I shot a low angle to put emphasis on the size difference. The color was a little dull so I increase the vibrance. I also increased the contrast to add more visual effect. Assembling the photo was a little difficult because waiting for the cement to dry on each layer took a while from the large number of different layers of materials. Also, it was frustrating when I was printing and the printer ran out of ink but it's all good because I tried my hardest through the difficulties. ;]

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