Wednesday, February 8, 2012

hello there, So at Conserve School in Applied Ecology we have to use blogger to blog about Phenology. So I signed in and i saw I was still on this blog. So I thought I would tell you guys how it was going. Well so far it has been amazing. Two nights ago some wolves got on campus and killed a deer, welcome to the wild I guess... right? Yesterday I went snowshoeing for History, and went hiking for English. Oh, also went snowshoeing on a lake for Field Studies today. But anyways it's really cool here. Cooler than wheaton north.


  1. well then Xandy, sounds like you're having a jolly time! Adventurous indeed. take some pix and share them with us :) have fun! how much snow is up there & what's the temp like?

  2. yaa man post some pics of the wild life!
    U told me to look for this, i found it.
    Im sad i missed your leaving party btw.
    We will miss ya buddy

  3. Xan don't tell us stuff like that that's sad :( ! Poor deer. But also I'm super jealous and it sounds really fun. I agree with mrs. G take some pictures!!!!

  4. haha, I will take pictures! Also there is a pack of wolves chilling around here. We have a little over a foot of snow... 2 to 3 feet in some places. A few days ago it was 30's and the last few have been hanging around 0. I went to a dog sled race and rode a snowmobile yesterday!!!
