Tuesday, February 28, 2012

thats imposible!

This firts series of three was taken in downtown alexandra. i used a tripod and a bulb setting to capture a trafic light between green and red, for a signal to look like this is, well, imposible!

This picture captures all the people who are running the yellow in a blured streem of lights.

 This picture is tow seperate pgotographs overlayed to create another imposibility
These ice fishermen are fishing on herick lake, where i went for a hike with my camera, i used the masking tool to put water underneeth them, making it look like they were ice fishing on water!

1 comment:

  1. These need to be better executed (last one). Due to all the lights and colors, many of these do not look impossible. It looks like the Night Bulb Project. Consider re-edting to make it more obvious.
