Friday, February 10, 2012

Becca Zeldenrust Studio 1 Social Commentary

For my social commentary, my theme was dieting/anorexia. I chose this because many high school girls have bad body image and feel the need to eat little to no food to lose weight, which is incredibly sad to me. My pictures portray how the pressure to be thin causes girls to limit their diets to eating hardly anything. In all of my pictures, I adjusted the brightness/contrast. I also used the spot healing brush tool to fix some spots on the plates. In the third photo, I used a layer mask with a gradient. The second photo has a very short depth of field and only the brocolli was in focus. I followed the rule of thirds in all of my photos.


  1. Becca! I really like how these turned out! I love the idea of the tape measure it really shows what your trying to portray! Great Job!

  2. I LOVE THIS. Such a creative way to portray this project! Your pictures look great!

  3. Becca-these are amazing! Aesthetically pleasing & powerful! Super creative :)

  4. Definitely print as a series for Art Show please.

  5. These are amazing! you did a fantastic job :)

  6. This is super creative! Great job!
