Monday, February 13, 2012

Sulma Nunes Social Commentary

My social commentary theme was racial discrimination. For my favorite image I made a collage of people from different ethnicities. I took a wipe board and had each individual write something they felt discriminated against because of their race. I really liked this image because it was my strongest image in getting my point across. The images with the hands are about color mixing and working together with white. The different hand shakes show different kinds of relationships. The handshake at the top left shows a more professional perspective, showing how colored people and white people can work together in a working environment. The top right is showing how colored and white can be in a relationship together. The bottom right is more a friendship. Putting together these images I used a lot of the black and white tool on photoshop. Transforming the pictures was a must when I made the top right image because I had to flip them. For two of my pictures I had to use the paint tool to show part of the image in black and white while the rest remained in color. Editing these images wasn't necessary but it did help to get the point across that we are living in a new generation where and individuals race no longer defines them.


  1. These turned out really cool! I like how you portrayed the message in a really creative way. I love the last photo with the whiteboards!

  2. These are really personable-esp the ones where you had the people write what areas they felt discriminated. Talk to me more-this would be a great series. (Shot in studio, same pose, etc.) Handholding is a little cliche.

  3. I really like your ideas! Maybe try to figure out how to get your collage to fit together more. Since they are all taken in different spots the backgrounds are very different, so I looked at each picture individually, not as a unit. Maybe you could do it all in one background or get 4 white boards and take one picture? But anyways, I really like this. :)
