Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spatial Studio 1 Claire Trumpy

I really enjoyed this project because it was fun to do something outside of working with photoshop the whole time. This photo is from the field trip we took in October and I really liked how sunny it was that day, it was perfect for taking pictures. While taking this picture I followed the rule of thirds so that the bean wasn't in the middle of the picture. When editing this photo I increased the contrast almost to 100% and I decreased the brightness. I also gave this photo a gritty over processed look which I think added a lot more texture to it. My favorite part of this project was just seeing it all come together. Each layer I added it looked better and better. And Ms. G was right about the last does look awesome

1 comment:

  1. Great job claire! Awesome cutting & glueing! told you the bean cutout would look cool, more depth. crop 1st pic for portfolio
